
Mountain Ridge Community Care, Inc. will provide high quality individualized support to individuals with Intellectual and developmental disabilities, with respect, integrity and compassion for all individual rights and choices, and to aid each individual in learning and developing responsibilities and to become fully participating members of the community in which they choose to live with the same privacy, rights, privileges and opportunities.

Encouraging personal choice, connections with Natural Supports, and Advocating for equality, dignity, self-worth, respect and all other human rights. Will ensure individual direct planning, selection, implementation, and evaluation of supports and services of each individual to ensure a person and family centered quality of life focusing on individual needs, strengths and personal choice.

Providing education, employment and opportunities to enhance job skills and knowledge in a healthy and safe work environment for both individuals and staff, and the opportunity to explore new ideas and experiences while promoting quality health.

Valuing team and individualized participation, talents, abilities and contributions of all individuals both supporting and receiving supports at all levels and the collaboration and partnerships of other agencies, and service providers to ensure an improved quality of life.


Keep right onto Main St Hazard Kentucky (KY-15-BR) 318 feet

Continue on High St 164 feet

Turn right onto Baker Ave 0.2 miles

Arrive at Baker Ave. 420 Baker Ave, Hazard, KY 41701-1816 is on the Left


Memorial Drive Hazard KY, Turn right on to L O Davis Drive

Turn right onto Craig St 246 feet

Turn right onto Oakhurst Ave 0.1 mile

Continue on Baker Ave 324 feet

420 Baker Ave, Hazard, KY 41701-1816 is on the right


(606) 435-2222



Office Hours 


8:00am - 4:00pm

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